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our achievements

2017: Total raised.  3215€

Barbara's children's prison project received 1000€
Iván Nogales arts centre for street kids, 1000€

200€ each was sent to Padre Rene and Cristian Calderon for their Peruvian projects with children.

In Jan 2018 a further 465€ was donated and sent to Iván to replace his arts centres stolen camera.

In Feb 2018 we received 350€ which was sent to support a summer camp for deaf children in Canada..



Our 2015 fundraiser was held in conjunction with Las Chimeneas Christmas Fair here in Orgiva, Spain.

We raised 2495€, sending 1000€ to Barbara Magalotti and 1000€ to Ivan Nogales to make hot chocolate Christmas fiestas for hundreds of underprivileged children.

Padre Rene continues to receive 100€ a month support for his soup kitchen, and a kind person is making a monthly donation to Barbara for her work with the prison children..

The remaining 450€ was divided between a local initiative to take food and olive oil to the refugee kitchens at Calais, and another local project related to natural birthing.

2016.  We raised 2800€ associated with a Christmas event held at Orgiva Tea Garden.  We were super grateful for their support again. We werethrilled to receive a 4000€ anonymous donation from overseas.  
An amazing 6800€ in total.


1000€ was sent to Barbara at San Pedro prison, La Paz.

1000€ was sent to Ivan Nogales for Chocolatadas at his 4 arts centres for youth at risk in El Alto , Bolivia.

400€ was sent to Carlos Gibaja in Ollantaytambo for his Chocolatadas  for children living in extreme isolation and poverty in remote villages near Machu Picchu.

400€ was sent to Padre Rene for his Chocolatadas in and around Ccapi, Cusco region, Peru.

The 4000€ anonymous donation went to the prison to fund weekend camping trips for groups of the younger children.

2014: We were unable to organise a event because we were without Meg's driving force as she struggled to fight a life-threatening illness. Sucessfully it seems and something to celebrate!

1400 euros was donated, and 1000 euros went to the Bolivian Prison project. A further 400 went to Padre Rene's food kitchen.

2012: we raised just over 5000€.


Approximately 1500 Peruvian children shared a hot chocolate with Father Christmas, clowns, music and presents.


150 children who live with their fathers in the Bolivian San Pedro prison received backpacks, pencils and notebooks as presents.


Young people in four Bolivian arts centres also enjoyed a mug of hot chocolate.

Other international organisations and ordinary people also donated money to Carlos and Washi Gibaja to help them carry on their great work.


It costs between five and eight euros to give a Christmas treat to each child.

2010. 3500€ raised. 1000 chocdrops delivered plus presents including new sandals and school supplies .

2009: Raised 3000€. Approximately 1000 children who live in the high mountains around Machu Picchu enjoyed a Chocolatada and presents that included dolls and tractors.

2013: we raised 7000€.

4000€ was sent to the two Bolivian projects, most being sent to the prison project.
All 350 children who live with their fathers in the Bolivian San Pedro prison received hot chocolate, sticky buns and a wonderful show performed by clowns and drummers- ‘students’ from Ivan Nogales arts centre for street kids in El Alto.

As a result, for the next 6 months, groups of prison children were bused weekly to Ivan’s arts centre to take part in activities there.
Young people at Ivan’s four Bolivian arts centres also enjoyed a mug of hot chocolate

The remaining money was divided between three Peruvian projects..
Approximately 1500 Peruvian children shared a hot chocolate with Father Christmas, clowns, music and presents.

Other international organisations and generous individuals also donated money to Carlos and Washi Gibaja to help them carry on their great work. Padre Rene does not receive any other aid.

2011: Raised 4000€. More than 1000 children enjoyed a mug of Chocolatada and a present in the company of clowns and music.

2008: 2000€ raised for Washi Gibaja’s free Soup Kitchen in Ollantaytambo, Peru. where between 60-100 hungry children come daily for soup.

2008: 2500€ raised towards our first participation in the Peruvian Chocolatadas. Approximately 1000 kids received a hot chocolate fiesta, a bun, and a small toy.

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